A collection of florals and scrolls designed to fill cathedral quilt blocks. This package includes a CD to download the embroidery files and instructi...More
A collection of florals and scrolls designed to fill cathedral quilt b...
A collection of embroidery designs inspired by Mexican folk art. Designs include fun florals, phrases and desert plants. This package includes a CD to...More
A collection of embroidery designs inspired by Mexican folk art. Desig...
A collection of beautiful floral embroidery designs. Perfect for mixing and matching to make a unique quilt. This package includes a CD to download th...More
A collection of beautiful floral embroidery designs. Perfect for mixin...
A collection of spooky Halloween themed embroidery designs, perfect for decorating trick-or-treat bags. Includes designs for characters like ghosts, z...More
A collection of spooky Halloween themed embroidery designs, perfect fo...
A collection of 4th of July themed embroidery designs featuring the American flag, Statue of Liberty and more! This package includes a CD to download...More
A collection of 4th of July themed embroidery designs featuring the Am...
A collection of silhouette embroidery designs and oval linework frames. This package includes a CD to download the embroidery files and instructions.More
A collection of silhouette embroidery designs and oval linework frames...
A collection of sweet treats for Valentines Day. Embroidery designs include cakes, cookies and lollipops. This package includes a CD to download the e...More
A collection of sweet treats for Valentines Day. Embroidery designs in...
A collection of diamond template embroidery designs featuring 18 floral designs. The card you purchase includes a code you enter to download the files...More
A collection of diamond template embroidery designs featuring 18 flora...
A collection of mosaic style animal embroidery designs including woodland creatures, aquatic animals and more. The card you purchase includes a code y...More
A collection of mosaic style animal embroidery designs including woodl...
A collection of fish any fisher would love to have at the end of their line. The card you purchase includes a code you enter to download the files and...More
A collection of fish any fisher would love to have at the end of their...
A collection of reverse cutwork embroidery designs including hearts, ferns and abstract cutwork. The card you purchase includes a code you enter to do...More
A collection of reverse cutwork embroidery designs including hearts, f...
A collection of sweet sleeping characters including puppies, monkeys and monsters. The card you purchase includes a code you enter to download the fil...More
A collection of sweet sleeping characters including puppies, monkeys a...
A collection of linework flowers including lilies, poppies, tulips and other wildflowers. The card you purchase includes a code you enter to download ...More
A collection of linework flowers including lilies, poppies, tulips and...
A collection of cute embroidery designs for Halloween including spiders and vampires. These pillow blocks are the perfect project to sit and sew in o...More
A collection of cute embroidery designs for Halloween including spider...
A collection of seasonal sign embroidery designs celebrating birthdays, Halloween, winter and more. These signs are the perfect project to sit and sew...More
A collection of seasonal sign embroidery designs celebrating birthdays...
A collection retro kitchen embroidery designs featuring teacups, baked goods, and more. These aprons are the perfect project to sit and sew in one-se...More
A collection retro kitchen embroidery designs featuring teacups, baked...